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风险的见解: 企业培养更安全驾驶员的步骤


公司的司机在路上要面对几种危险. 事实上, 根据美国劳工统计局的一份报告, transportation incidents are the leading cause of work-related fatalities in the United States. Additionally, the most recent data from the Network of Employers for Traffic 安全 found that U.S. 交通事故每年给雇主造成的损失超过720亿美元, demonstrating that drivers can also create major liabilities for a company.

伴随着这些安全和金融风险, companies must take steps to ensure their employees are operating as safely as possible while driving. Doing so can not only help prevent injuries and property damage but it can also help organizations reduce the risk of facing liability claims and improve the company’s public image by demonstrating a commitment to roadway safety. This article explores measures businesses can take to create safer drivers.


There are several actions businesses can take to create safer drivers, including:

  • 评估风险. 每家公司的规模不同,风险也不同, 地理位置及行业, and regular risk assessments can help businesses identify their exposures related to motor vehicles.
  • 了解谁是公司的司机. Individuals considered company drivers for business purposes include those hired with the primary purpose of driving and who operate a vehicle, 包括出租车辆和私家车, 代表企业.
  • 保持书面政策. Understandable and enforceable motor vehicle safety policies that are regularly communicated can help convey a business’s expectations and standards. Topics to consider covering include driver eligibility requirements, safety expectations (e.g., 零容忍不良驾驶), 纪律程序, seat belt use requirements and prohibitions on activities that cause distracted driving (e.g.(使用手机、吃东西和查看电子邮件).
  • 兽医的司机. Businesses should conduct background checks and evaluate motor vehicle records before hiring drivers. They should also verify work histories and certifications and ensure the prospective drivers pass written and road tests before driving for the company.
  • 火车司机. Businesses should provide in-depth training to their drivers regarding the safe operation of motor vehicles. 主题可能包括防御性驾驶, 正确使用安全装置, 天气监测, 行程规划和事故响应. This should occur upon hire and regularly throughout the drivers’ careers.
  • 提倡健康、宁静的生活方式. 身体健康是安全驾驶的重要组成部分. Businesses should educate drivers on how physical and mental health conditions may affect their driving performance. They should also provide resources to address these issues and encourage drivers to eat healthily. To manage fatigue, companies may establish scheduling, driving hours and rest standards policies. Businesses should also encourage drivers to visit a doctor if they’re experiencing fatigue or a sleep disorder.
  • 监控司机. It is crucial to have systems in place to review company driver performance. 企业应该审查所有的事故, 事故及路边检查报告, and they should periodically ride along with drivers to assess their habits. Technology, such as telematics and dashcams, can also monitor performance. 如果不安全的司机被识别, businesses should have procedures in place to remove them from the road.
  • 维护车辆. Businesses should ensure their vehicles are properly maintained. Regular inspections by certified mechanics are necessary, and procedures to immediately address safety issues are paramount to reducing risks.
  • 提供激励. Businesses should provide safe driving incentives to individuals who adhere to the company’s safe driving guidelines. 奖金, additional paid time off and public recognition can provide positive reinforcement and encourage exemplary conduct.
  • 确保全公司的参与. Involvement from all levels of an organization is necessary to help ensure a program's success. Senior managers can demonstrate their commitment to safe driving by ensuring adequate resources are available, setting a good example when driving themselves and regularly communicating safety expectations.

Employers have a duty to ensure safe working conditions for their employees and ensuring steps are in place to foster safe driving is essential to achieving this objective. Implementing measures to create a culture of safe driving can not only help prevent injuries and fatalities to those on the road, but it can also mitigate liabilities a business may face. For additional risk management resources, contact us today.

This 风险的见解 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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